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Apex League

By Keita#0795, Goldenmonkey#2798, Riala
Last updated 12 July 2022

This guide will focus on Apex League where advancements and levels are all balanced, though similar PvP strategies can apply in Sparring.

PvP Terminology

HyperbodyResistance to knockup/knockdown/freeze but not stuns (Huma/Shiro/Confinement)
CC ImmunityResistance to all CC (Stuns Included)
KnockupKnock up opponents and potentially keep them suspended in the air
KnockdownOpponents are knocked to the ground, forcing them to use a dodge roll
SkillThe weapon's active skill (default binded to 1)
Dash AttackShift → left click OR right click → left click (dash movement key → attack key)
DischargeThe characters discharge ability that can be used once your energy is full
Micro StunsShort stuns that are mainly used as interrupts, performable by certain characters
Anti-CCA colloquial term used to describe any kind of Anti-CC including I-frames, hyperbody, and CC Immunity

Weapon Tier List

Click on any weapon and learn more below.

  • Coco Ritter's Weapon

    Coco Ritter

  • Meryl's Weapon


  • Huma's Weapon


  • Claudia's Weapon


  • Zero's Weapon


  • Ene's Weapon


  • Cobalt-B's Weapon


  • Shiro's Weapon


  • Crow's Weapon


  • Echo's Weapon


  • Pepper's Weapon


  • Samir's Weapon


  • KING's Weapon


  • Tsubasa's Weapon


  • Bai Ling's Weapon

    Bai Ling

  • Hilda's Weapon


Coco Ritter's WeaponCoco RitterCoco Ritter is an amazing tool that offers energy recharge, healing/sustain, and CC. Being an ice weapon, it is also capable of freezing opponents when your energy bar is full, setting up a window for follow up attacks.
  • Viable at all ranges
  • Good CC ability from basic attack combo and innate freeze ability
  • Skill provides CC immunity in animation
  • Dash summons a healing bee that provides small heals and energy
  • Healing provides sustain and helps prevent shield break but does not make you invincible
  • Discharge skill is not super useful compared to dps discharges
  • Countered by CC immunity and Hyperbody
  • Low shield break; mainly used to set up other shield break weapons
  • Skill leaves you vulnerable to damage during animation

Notable Relics

Magnetic PulseMagnetic PulseThis relic is an essential in any composition in PvP, it's a get out of jail free card, it lets you break out of CC if you are caught in one and grant CC immunity for the next 5 seconds. Alternatively this relic can be used offensively to push enemies back and start combos.
CouantCouantCouant is a relic that lets you shield against the next attack, if popped by the enemy within the first second activision it stuns them, boosting your final damage by 20%. Reflects a certain amount of damage back to the enemy, good for applying Huma DoT back to the enemy.
ConfinementConfinementTraps enemies within the range of confinement and stuns them if they try to get out, great for certain weapons/comps like huma and tsubasa
Magnetic StormMagnetic StormGreat relic to create space between you and the enemy, deals a lot of damage if hit by it and reverses the enemy's controls. If the enemy is knocked up/has their shield broken Magnetic Storm will suspend opponents in midair. Amazing combo potential with weapons like Ene, Meryl, and Cocoritter.
Cybernetic ArmCybernetic ArmRelic with a lot of potential if you can accurately land your grabs. When activated, it gives you a shield that reduces damage taken by 20% for 7 seconds, along with that the enemy hit by the arm will be suspended/staggered while reducing their damage by 30% for 7 seconds. Codename: Sussy Grab.
JetpackJetpackThe jetpack is a utility tool that allows for animation canceling with certain weapons and gives survivability through high stalling potential. Tapping jetpack then left clicking (while targeting an enemy) allows for an instant plunge attack with certain weapons such as Crow and Huma. While they do take stamina, using this with other weapons allows for quick plunge damage and interesting combos.

Example Loadouts

General tips for picking loadouts:

  1. Magnetic Pulse is a very strong option and is generally recommended, but other relics can be used in its place if used well.
  2. Build around 1-2 S tier weapons (Coco for range/sustain comps, Meryl for tanky/shred comps, and Huma for burst comps)

Apache Helicopter Comp (stall/zoning)

Main playstyle of this comp is to avoid contact while waiting on cooldowns and making opponents waste theirs. Weapons provide a ton of survivability, chip damage, and CC to lower opponent shields/hp while finishing them off with Huma's burst damage from her skill.

Coco RitterCoco RitterCoco provides sustain (heals hp and shields), CC, and chip damage at all ranges
ZeroZeroCube increases survivability in the form of a shield, large knockbacks (also provides CC immunity while casting), and the ability to air dodge a lot. Also provides heals and damage buffs in the form of pickups and has decent range for chip damage
HumaHumaMain source of shield break and burst damage in this comp. Playing around the chip damage. CC, and heals/sustain Coco and Cube provide while waiting for Huma skill cooldown is a safe way to play and will guarantee wins against 99% of opponents who don't have specific counters in mind

Burst Shield Break Comp

This comp revolves around Huma and Meryl’s high amounts of burst damage and shield break capabilities to shatter enemy shields and finish them off. While there is no healing for sustain, Meryl provides large shields and lots of CC resist to increase survivability. Claudia allows you to chase down opponents playing from range and also allows for a decent DPS/finisher option once the opponent’s shield has broken.

MerylMerylProbably going to be the most equipped weapon in the comp as it provides a ton of CC immunity and survivability while active which allows you to survive while waiting for cooldowns on other weapons
HumaHumaMain source of burst damage. Skill has a large aoe, fast activation, and high burst damage which is great at chunking down shields. Meryl can easily finish off low shields on careless opponents/comps without sustain after Huma leaves them low
ClaudiaClaudiaClaudia is a great weapon that has an amazing gap close skill which increases damage, chases down enemies, and provides decent amounts of damage as well. Claudia can also juggle opponents for extra damage and interrupt certain skills that opponents attempt to use.

Meryl Sustain Comp

Main playstyle of this comp is to tank damage and skills of the opponent by utilizing the massive amounts of anti-cc that meryl provides along with the heals provided by Coco and Nemesis. Nemesis also comes with large amounts of passive damage from her turrets while Coco’s CC and energy generation complete the comp.

Coco RitterCoco RitterCoco provides sustain (heals hp and shields), CC, and chip damage at all ranges
NemesisNemesisNemesis provides large amounts of passive off-field dmg (this is amazing in final zone as the opponent cannot escape the range). Nemesis neutral-dash skill also launches a slow orb that slows opponents on hit which creates great opportunities for damage and gives space
MerylMerylMain source of shield break and CC tanking in this comp. Can be used to burst down shields or just passively for chip damage and CC immunity. The shield also provides a great source of extra HP in clutch scenarios or to tank opponent burst hits (like enemy huma or meryls)

Alternative/Unconventional Options

While the S tier options are generally highly recommended to build around, sometimes alternative options can be used effectively if utilized correctly. In addition, some weapons may be inaccessible to some depending on gacha roll luck so these are some additional options that can be used as replacements

Tank/Shield Break

EneEneEne provides CC resist in the form of Hyperbody. Ene also provides the ability to freeze opponents and stunlock when used properly to break shields.
ZeroZeroCube provides CC resist and survivability in the form of heals, shields and a large knockback.
EchoEchoEcho doesn’t provide too much survivability in terms of shields or healing, but allows one to stun enemies to interrupt attacks, knock enemies up, and do massive shield burst damage at range with discharge.

Sustain/Chip Damage

ZeroZeroZero provides shields, knock up, and good sustain. Also can basically fly with air dashes, allowing one to reposition easily and escape from certain skills with ease
PepperPepperPepper does everything Coco can do, but lacks the same utility . It fills the same role and does the same thing as Coco but at a lower level. It provides sustain in the form of heals, huge ranged chip damage, and CC (knockup combo and electric innate stun)
TsubasaTsubasaTsubasa doesn’t provide much sustain like the other options, but provides ranged damage, knockbacks with skill and dash attack (which applies a micro stun/stagger) and a slow when using charged attack or discharge (note that during both CBTs, Tsubasa’s dash attack did not work for many players)
Cobalt-BCobalt-BCobalt-B can be used to great effectiveness with certain playstyles (mainly Pogo-balt Comp). Doesn’t directly provide any sustain, but allows one to deal massive amounts of chip damage from range while avoiding opponents completely by maintaining distance while raining down shots from afar


SamirSamirSamir isn’t great due to the fact that she does not offer much utility, but has a great knock up option with her dash attack. She also provides some range damage with her skill and aim shots by holding but mostly useful for her knock up skill
CrowCrowIf utilized with jetpack, Crow can deal one of the highest amounts of DPS on unshielded targets. Crow also provides gap close options in the form of his dash attack and his discharge, his skill gives you Hyperbody on skill use that prevents most forms of CC
ShiroShiroShiro is a decent option that provides ranged shield damage, a high burst skill, and a quick ranged stun option to interrupt opponents. When using Shiro, you can deal high amounts of shield damage while maintaining distance. A decent counter pick against Coco abusers since Coco has a low shatter stat. The dash attack comes out quick and stuns opponents which can be used to interrupt them as they are casting skills such as Coco’s knock up. When utilized properly, the skill can instantly shred shields of opponents who approach carelessly.


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